Pericles Interview Review Activity
- Pages:
- 5
Students complete a 3 part interview to review Pericles and his time in power. They first answer 5 questions to review factual items, then they interview Pericles after he comes to power, and in the third part students conduct his last interview while he is on his deathbed (11 questions and answers). There is a bonus creative opportunity as a final task. An answer key is included where appropriate and this would work for a sub!
Sample questions include:
--As “first citizen,” do you think Pericles was most effective and successful as an orator, politician, military officer, promoting art and culture, or in another role and why? Provide specific examples to support your answer.
--In 446, Pericles faced a revolt from Euboea. Explain what it was, how he handled it, what transpired between Athens and Sparta, and what that meant for their future relations.
--What is the most important item you wish to accomplish for Athenians and other Greeks? What about for yourself?
--What do you think will be your biggest challenge in achieving your goals?
--Do you have any regrets from your time in power? If so what and why, or why not?
--If you could give yourself one piece of advice the day of your crowning, what would it be and why?
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