
Phlebotomy Dominoes - Cumulative

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  • Phlebotomy Dominoes - Cumulative
  • Phlebotomy Dominoes - Cumulative
  • Phlebotomy Dominoes - Cumulative


Phlebotomy dominoes are one of my student’s favorite activities to review for their final exam. This activity helps students synthesize information to create new ways to understand content. For instance, most of my students can list off that the additive in the light blue tube is sodium citrate, but in this game they will have to recognize that they should connect the light blue tube to sodium citrate, invert 3-4 times, and collecting PTT samples. Later in the dominoes they will also have to connect another sodium citrate card to a double additives card, helping them strengthen those prior learning collections. Please note the knowledge covered on these dominoes is comprehensive so this activity works best at the end of your curriculum. This activity takes my students about 45 minutes if they also cut them out.

This is what I do in my classroom:

  • Print the Student Pages in black and white, one sided since you will have students cut them out. If you plan to keep them year after year, printing them on cardstock makes them much more sturdy and fun to use.

  • Group your students- I prefer to group my kids in like groups so that I can spend most of the stations time with my weakest groups. I feel that groups of 2-3 are optimal for this activity.

  • I have student groups cut out their own cards but don’t them the full instructions until their cards are cut up and placed in a pile so that they don’t realize that some of them are in order.

  • After students have cut and shuffled their cards I tell them the rules for dominoes.

    • Begin your dominoes with the card that says Phlebotomy Dominoes on the left, the first one you cut out.

    • Now begin matching cards with their definition, for example, someone tell me, what tubes don’t have any additives? (Students usually answer serum, red, etc.)

    • Find the card that says one of these possibilities and line it up with the card in front of it.

    • When you come to a double domino (light blue, purple top etc.) turn it sideways. You can play off of these dominoes any direction.

    • When you come to a card that says end piece, that line of cards is complete

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