
Political Parties & Interest Groups PowerPoint, Worksheet, Webquest, Test Bundle

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  • Political Parties & Interest Groups PowerPoint, Worksheet, Webquest, Test Bundle
  • Political Parties & Interest Groups PowerPoint, Worksheet, Webquest, Test Bundle
  • Political Parties & Interest Groups PowerPoint, Worksheet, Webquest, Test Bundle
  • Political Parties & Interest Groups PowerPoint, Worksheet, Webquest, Test Bundle


Included is a bundle of resources for an American Government class. Included is a Power Point, outlined note packet, tests, worksheet, and webquest that is used to introduce the political parties (democrats and republicans) as well as the interest groups of the U.S. government for a high school American Government course.


Included are the following resources:

  • This package is also designed to work for 1:1 or distance learning.


  • All resources are in the Microsoft format, as well as a Google Suite option for teachers/students that utilize the Google Classroom.



  1. PowerPoint
  2. Worksheet
  3. Webquest
  4. Tests
  5. Note Packet


Included are the following topics:

  1. Political Party
  2. Two-Party System
  3. One-Party System
  4. Multi-Party System
  5. Third Parties
  6. Single-issue Party
  7. Ideological Party
  8. Splinter Party
  9. Caucuses
  10. Convention
  11. Primary Elections
  12. Petition
  13. Direct Primary
  14. Closed Primary
  15. Open Primary
  16. National Convention
  17. .Ticket
  18. National Committee
  19. National Chairperson
  20. Interest Group
  21. Lobbyist
  22. Lobbying
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