Population Density and Distribution
- Contributor:
- The Geography Oasis
- Grade Level:
- 8-12
- Product Type:
- Full Lesson
- File Type:
- Pages:
- 22
- Answer Key:
- Included
- An introduction to the concepts of population density, distribution, sparsely populated regions and densely populated regions.
- The factors that affect population density.
- Global distribution of population and the factors that influence this.
- A detailed case study of population distribution in Australia.
Resources are:
- FACE TO FACE READY- Word Document/PDF/PowerPoint- printable resources for delivery in the classroom.
- REMOTE READY- Suitable for online digital learning with links to Google Docs and Google Slides that can be directly posted onto Google Classroom. Students can use digital devices to work independently on the activities from home.
Bonus Materials:
- Knowledge Organizer
- Interactive assessments (Self-marking Google Form, Keyword Quizlet, Multiple Choice Quizizz)
Each resource includes:
- Worksheet with activities.
- Teacher PowerPoint with diagrams and answer key provided directly onto the slides or in the notes section of each slide.
- Activate- a starter, an introduction, a stimulus.
- Content- The Geographical knowledge- supported by short activities, images, graphs, diagrams.
- Review- a plenary, recall activity, AFL, knowledge check.
- Useful links- to video clips, websites etc.
What’s included:
• A word document worksheet that includes activities that introduce key terminology, helps students to read graphs, describe distributions and complete structured reading activities.
•The word document is 5 pages. The word document is provided in colour and grayscale.
•This worksheet is also provided as a PDF.
•A PowerPoint version of diagrams and answers.
•The PowerPoint is 17 slides.
Check out The Geography Oasis for more resources.