Have fun with this assignment!
Encourage research, writing, and creativity with these Presidential Fakebook templates. Every president from Washington to Obama is included in this "Presidential Fakebook" file.
In my class my students do research and then create a "Fakebook" page for the president we are learning about. They research and then write 3 famous quotes of this president and write 10 status updates that would have taken place during this president's lifetime.
With this file you can print off the template to give to your students and have them complete the Fakebook by writing on it, or you can allow them to download the file, create, and then print off their own on the computer.
You will love reading these Presidential status updates from your students and they will love doing it! They have to research and find information about the president which isn't always the most exciting thing for them, but then they get to be creative and write as the president in modern day language that they are familiar with.
They love creating these and they also love to share them.
My students put these up on the wall in my classroom and will walk around the class and read what their classmates wrote.
It is a fun and engaging lesson!
As a bonus I have also included a blank Fakebook template that you can print off and create for any historical figure or event in history!