
Quantitative Measurement Vocabulary Tournament Challenge

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Parker's Products for the Sciences
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Vocabulary Tournament Activity
Answer Key:
Product File:
  • Quantitative Measurement Vocabulary Tournament Challenge
  • Quantitative Measurement Vocabulary Tournament Challenge
  • Quantitative Measurement Vocabulary Tournament Challenge


I created this activity for use in my middle school physical science class. My high school chemistry students are all returning students, otherwise I would assign this in my first-year chemistry course as well.
In this tournament bracket challenge, students start with thirty-two vocabulary terms. Round one winners are a form of quantitative measurement (versus qualitative description). Round two winners are non-volumetric. Round three winners are SI base units. Round four winners have a multiple letter symbol. The tournament champion measures the amount of a substance (mole).
Students differentiate quantitative from qualitative terms in round one. They discern which of the two measurements squaring off are volumetric in round two (They need to be careful with cubic centimeters!) Round three forces students to reflect on what the seven possible SI base units are. In round four, students reflect on or consult the SI base unit symbols in their textbook.
This listing includes:
  • A one-page student copy of the Quantitative Measurement Vocabulary Tournament
  • A one-page key with the answers in red font.
  • An additional tournament bracket challenge worksheet where students design their own tournament on the blank template.
Want more? I offer a half dozen other vocabulary or organism-based tournament bracket challenges.
May the best quantitative vocabulary term win!
I offer dozens of quality field-tested, innovative, practical, and user-friendly products for several fields of science - biology, chemistry, field ecology, physical science, earth science, space science and human anatomy and physiology.
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