Sectors of U.S. Economy DIGITAL Task Cards | Boom Cards | DISTANCE LEARNING
- Contributor:
- Sarah Miller Tech
- Grade Level:
- 5
- Product Type:
- Digital Boom Task Cards
- File Type:
- PDF, Link to Boom Learning Site
- Pages:
- 20 Task Cards
- Answer Key:
- Yes
Review your year using digital task cards! They're versatile and super easy. Just assign and go! Your students will LOVE reviewing the four sectors of the United States's economy (aligned in Georgia's Standards of Excellence) with this digital task card set! These task cards are interactive. This allows students to self-check! With a paid subscription, you even have the ability to track their progress!
• Link to a Boom Cards Deck with 20 Task Cards
Standards Covered from Georgia Standards of Excellence:
SS5E2 Describe the functions of four major sectors in the U. S. economy.
a. Describe the household function in providing resources and consuming goods and services.
b. Describe the private business function in producing goods and services.
c. Describe the bank function in providing checking accounts, savings accounts, and loans.
d. Describe the government function in taxation and providing certain public goods and public services.
This objective and resources aligns with Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE), but can supplement many state standards.
►Students will need access to internet to use this resource.
►Boom Cards play on modern browsers on interactive whiteboards, computers and tablets.
►When you purchase this resource, Boom Learning provides you with a one-time, 90-day free trial of the premium student performance reports.
►All users (paid or free) can assign Boom Cards with Fast Pins and students will get instant feedback. These Fast Pins do not record student progress, but they do provide instant feedback and self-grade if the deck is self-grading. Only paid memberships have access to live and stored Supercharged Student Success Reports.