
St. Valentine History and Legends

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Homeschool Holiday
Grade Level:
2-6, homeschool
Product Type:
Link to Google Slide, Printable Worksheets, Craft
File Type:
  • St. Valentine History and Legends
  • St. Valentine History and Legends
  • St. Valentine History and Legends
  • St. Valentine History and Legends
  • St. Valentine History and Legends
  • St. Valentine History and Legends
  • St. Valentine History and Legends
  • St. Valentine History and Legends
  • St. Valentine History and Legends
  • St. Valentine History and Legends
  • St. Valentine History and Legends
  • St. Valentine History and Legends
  • St. Valentine History and Legends
  • St. Valentine History and Legends


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Saint Valentine-The Man Behind the Holiday


Happy Hive Homeschooling / Homeschool

 Our products are designed to coordinate with fun holidays throughout the year. This packet is designed to accompany St. Valentine's Day - February 14th.

 This resource contains a Google Slide presentation (link for you to make your own copy) giving an overview of the life of Saint Valentine of Rome, as well as the legends surrounding his life and how they lead to our celebration of the holiday Valentine's Day, which happens to be a Feast Day in the Catholic Church.

 There is a Teaching Video as well as companion notes (answer key included!) for learners to follow along and take notes - or you can use them as a quiz, or BOTH!

 This resource is religious in nature, please be sure you preview it to be sure it is appropriate for the audience you intend to use it with.

 After exploring the life of St. Valentine, there is a paper plate craft in which you make St. Valentine. You have both Color and Color your own options. They can be made with or without paper plates for support.

 Be sure to check out the other saints available, and if you have a special request, we'd love to hear from you!


May your Educational Journey Be Blessed!

- Mrs. Crabtree

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