
Dena Lopez - Room 311

Dena Lopez - Room 311


I spent nearly fifteen years in the classroom, often teaching to more than one grade at a time. I worked primarily with special populations, such as troubled youth in a residential treatment setting. Among the classes I specialized in were all the core social studies classes (U.S. history, world history, geography, and government).

There is no one way to reach a student. Each child is unique, with unique struggles, gifts, accomplishments, and desires. I feel the best way to reach a child is first through a relationship with them and then through observation. Try a little of everything...see what works. 

I received my Bachelors of Arts with a specialization in history and a minor in theater at Michigan State University. I also received my teacher’s certificate from MSU.

I am currently a stay-at-home mom, and I want to use the skills I honed over many years of classroom experience to help other teachers.