Pharm Tech Teacher
I have been a health science teacher since 2018 when I began the health science pharmacy pathway in my district for the first time. As a first year teacher, there were so many resources I looked for, some that I found, and many that were purchased. I am so thankful for the help and guidance of veteran teachers. There were times, however, that I did not find what I wanted, a worksheet to tie all things together, a visual to help the students understand a concept, a lab to give my students an opportunity to practice technical skills, etc. I am not one to let things go, when I have a vision I will put it on paper and then develop the idea into something digital. I am ready to share some of these creations with you all because I know they will help others, like they have helped me.
Pharm Sig Practice Worksheet
$3.00Have your students create sigs and translate them. Table provides a breakdown of sections they need to create to encourage students to look for each of the sections when translating prescription orders in the future. What's included: 1...$3.00 -
Pharm Medication Storage Worksheet
$3.00Have your students research medications by their listed indication to determine the medication’s storage requirements. What's included: 1 worksheet (2 pages) Ways to use this resource: Review Homework Independent...$3.00 -
History of Healthcare Mock Instagram Assignment
$3.00Assign your students to research a historical figure and create a mock Instagram account. Template allows pictures to be added easily or printable version allows students to paste or draw the pictures. Students will create 3 mock posts for the pictures...$3.00 -
Future Trends in Healthcare
$3.00Have your students look up applications of future trends in healthcare. This worksheet was used in Principles of Health Science. What's included: 1 worksheet (2 pages) Ways to use this...$3.00 -
Medication Ad Assignment
$0.00Have your students look up medication advertisements and increase their medication knowledge throughout the year. What's included: 1 worksheet Ways to use this resource: Review Homework Independent...$0.00 -
FREE Pharmacy Illustrations - Series 1 Vitamins and Refrigerated Medications
$0.00Help your students review solubility levels of vitamins and products that can be refrigerated using this series of illustrations. What's included: File in Poster Size (18 X 24 in) File in Paper Size (8.5 x 11 in) Ways to use this...$0.00 -
Pharmacy Technician Intake Procedures
$5.00Have your students role play patient and technician roles during prescription intake. Students role play as technician to verify a prescription order for completeness and will interview a patient during prescription drop off to ensure they can create a...$5.00 -
Pharmacy Math Posters
$3.00Help your students remember conversion factors and roman numerals by posting these posters around your classroom or in the hallway walking up to your room. What's included: 3 posters Conversion Chart Roman Numerals Rules and Basic...$3.00 -
Med Term Tree Farm Project
$3.00Med Term Tree Farm Project Get your classroom ready for a winter takeover. This project will allow your students to practice their medical word building skills and defining order while also enhancing your classroom environment...$3.00 -
GimKit Pharm Review Games
$0.00If you have not heard of GimKit, I strongly suggest you check out the resource. It allows students to cycle through questions to improve their memorization of terms or drug names. This resource includes pre-built reviews. GimKit allows you to try...$0.00 -
Pharmaceutical Verb Worksheet
$2.00Have your students review routes of administration, use of pharmaceutical verbs, and translate instructions for patient use with this worksheet. What's included: Student Handout, 2 pages Answer Key Ways to use this...$2.00 -
October Themed Monthly Dose Pack Lab
$5.00Pack a monthly dose pack for a ghoul friend in a long term care facility. Required Materials: One 31-day Cold Seal Medication Blister Pack per student (I purchased these from Amazon; any may be used) Counting trays Gummy...$5.00