Math Contributors
Easter Percentages - Converting with Number Chips
$3.00Looking for a fun way to learn converting fractions to decimals to percentages with a New Year's theme? Using number chips, students will learn and practice these conversions. The lesson becomes increasingly more difficult as students progress through...$3.00 -
Valentine's Day Percentages - Converting with Number Chips
$3.00Looking for a fun way to learn converting fractions to decimals to percentages with a New Year's theme? Using number chips, students will learn and practice these conversions. The lesson becomes increasingly more difficult as students progress through...$3.00 -
St. Patrick's Day Percentages - Converting with Number Chips
$3.00Looking for a fun way to learn converting fractions to decimals to percentages with a New Year's theme? Using number chips, students will learn and practice these conversions. The lesson becomes increasingly more difficult as students progress through...$3.00 -
New Year's Percentages: Convert from Fractions and Decimals
$3.00Looking for a fun way to learn converting fractions to decimals to percentages with a New Year's theme? Using number chips, students will learn and practice these conversions. This scaffolded lesson becomes...$3.00 -
Christmas Percentages - Converting from Fractions and Decimals - Digital and Printable
$3.00Looking for a fun way to learn converting fractions to decimals to percentages with a Christmas theme? Using number chips, students will learn and practice these conversions. This scaffolded lesson becomes...$3.00 -
New Year's Subtraction Digital Flashcard Game
$3.00New Year's Version: A fun way to practice the subtraction facts in a digital format. This no-prep slide deck works best in "slideshow" mode. It includes 65 subtraction facts 19 and under. Students practice in a game format,...$3.00 -
New Year's Digital Addition Flashcard Game
$3.00Looking for instant feedback in learning the Addition Facts? This no-prep, interactive, digital game is fun, and New Year’s-themed!! Students will have fun practicing their addition facts with this digital flashcard game...$3.00 -
Exponent Rules - Digital and Printable
$3.00Looking for a way to teach the rules of exponents? This lesson starts with a review of exponent vocabulary, and introduces 8 exponent rules. Practice slides give students a chance to practice each rule, fill in sentence frames for vocabulary, and use the...$3.00 -
Christmas Absolute Value Color by Code
$2.00Are your students struggling to stay focused on practicing absolute value with Christmas right around the corner? Look no further, this absolute value color by code page is sure to keep your students focused. Quick and easy setup, plus clear student...$2.00 -
3rd Grade Rounding Addition Subtraction & Multiples of 10 Math Sort Centers
$4.00Make practicing rounding, addition, subtraction, and multiplying by multiples of 10 fun with these engaging, hands-on math sort activities! This set includes 9 no prep math sorts perfect for practicing numbers and operations in base ten skills. Quick...$4.00 -
Easter Integer Multiplication Bingo
$3.00This Integer Multiplication Bingo Game helps students practice multiplying negative and positive numbers. The Game has 26 different boards with moveable chips to cover the answers.The third slide has all of the multiplication problems for the teacher to...$3.00 -
St. Patrick's Day Integer Multiplication Bingo
$3.00This Integer Multiplication Bingo Game helps students practice multiplying negative and positive numbers. The Game has 26 different boards with moveable chips to cover the answers. The third slide has all of the multiplication problems for the...$3.00