Stephanie's History Store
The Republic of Texas Pamphlet Review
$3.25Texas History students review the different people and events from the Texas Republic by creating a pamphlet highlighting 6 people, events, challenges, successes, etc. There are 11 expectations for students to fulfill while balancing historical accuracy...$3.25 -
Fort St. Louis Primary Source Analysis
$3.00Texas History students will read an excerpt of Alonso de Leon's expedition to find La Salle's settlement at Fort St. Louis during the Age of Exploration, answer 9 questions, and complete one creative task. The answers are included where appropriate and...$3.00 -
Ft. St. Louis Webquest
$3.00Texas History students will take a closer look at the people and events at Fort St. Louis under Robert de La Salle during a unit on Texas Exploration with this webquest. They will answer 25 questions based on a specific section of$3.00 -
Texas Revolution Battles Chart
$3.00Students get a more in depth look at battles from the Texas Revolution by completing a 5 column graphic organizer and answering 9 questions. They pick 10 of 12 battles to research (or review from class) and fill in the battle name, when and where it...$3.00 -
Immigration to Texas Primary Source Analysis
$3.00Texas History students read an excerpt of one man's attempt to attract new settlers to Texas after the Texas Revolution and answer 9 questions, label a map based on the reading, and complete one creative task. The answers are included where appropriate...$3.00 -
On Sale
Texas Annexation and the Mexican-American War Bundle
Now: $22.00Was: $29.00Texas History students will learn about the annexation of Texas and the events of the Mexican-American War with these 10 resources: a 24 slide PowerPoint (or gallery walk), a note guide, 3 review games, a pamphlet activity, an editable short test or long...Now: $22.00Was: $29.00 -
An Analysis of the Victory or Death Letter from the Battle of the Alamo
$3.00Texas History students will read the "Victory or Death" letter William B. Travis wrote during the Battle of the Alamo "to the People of Texas and all Americans in the World" and answer 13 questions. This would be great for a sub and the answers are...$3.00 -
Texas Colonization Primary Source Analysis
$3.25Students will read an account of the colonization of Texas, how settlers were enticed to move to Texas in the 1820s, and a comparison of life in Stephen Austin and Green DeWitt's colonies. They will then answer 13 analysis questions, complete a creative...$3.25 -
Texas During the Cold War Gallery Walk and Mix and Match Review
$6.00Texas History students read 14 brief passages about different aspects of life in Texas from 1945-1980, fill out a graphic organizer, answer 29 questions, and complete a creative task. This also includes a mix and match activity for additional...$6.00 -
Texas Cowboys and Cattle Ranchers PowerPoint with Activities
$5.00Texas History students will learn about, or review, cowboys and cattle ranching with this PowerPoint (or gallery walk) with review questions, cloze passages, and creative tasks. Topics covered include but are not limited to cattle drives, ranchers,...$5.00 -
Reconstruction in Texas Reference Sheet and Review
$3.75Texas History students will review, or learn about, the people/events/policies/groups in Texas during Reconstruction by reading 5 pages of background information, answering 16 comprehension questions, completing a news headlines task, and by playing...$3.75 -
The Runaway Scrape Primary Source Analysis
$3.50Texas History students will read 3 accounts of the Runaway Scrape from the Texas Revolution and answer 17 questions (including comparing and contrasting the accounts). The answers are included where appropriate and this would be great for a...$3.50