
Teaching About Emotions Games & Activities

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The Honeysuckle Vine
Grade Level:
Not Grade Specific
SEL, Social Emotional Learning, Language, emotions
Product Type:
Activities, Games
File type:
  • Teaching About Emotions Games & Activities
  • Teaching About Emotions Games & Activities


This resource  “Sweet Emotions” is about Teaching About Emotions. It includes games and activities that are interactive, engaging, and fun.

This resource has

1. An introductory activity

2. Group activity

3. Independent activity.

Description:  The faces on the candy corn cover different emotions. These emotions are excited, happy, sad, goofy, proud, surprised, angry, & confused. Four large candy corn pieces are blank so additional emotions can be added.

Being able to identify and express different emotions isn’t always easy for students.

Our students need some guidance in this area.

Contents of Resource:

a cover

table of contents

Emotions Guessing Game Instructions

File Folder Game pages

File Folder Game pages for cutouts


8 Game Cards (like Bingo cards

Game Call page

Illustrations for all games

Introduction to Emotions

Instructions for activity

8 large candy corn faces for the game

4 large blank candy corn images

large activity mat made of 4 pages put together

Sweet Emotions Games and Activities are not grade-specific.

The resource is appropriate for:

  • special education
  • general education
  • school counseling
  • speech and language therapy

This resource has 27 pages.

Check out The Honeysuckle Vine for more resources.

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