The 12 Tables of Roman Law - Roman Culture Lesson
- Contributor:
- Dan Nguyen
- Grade Level:
- High School
- Product Type:
- PPT, Worksheet
- File Type:
- PPT and DOC
- Pages:
- 6
- Answer Key:
- No
In this lesson, students will learn about the significance of the 12 Tables of Roman Law.
Students will investigate the laws of Ancient Roman society and compare Roman culture to today.
Included is: Powerpoint, Lesson Plan, and Worksheet This lesson includes a powerpoint that first sets up the lesson and explains the significance of having a written law code.
For the activity, students have a worksheet that lists various situations that they have to create a law for.
The teacher will then go over what the 12 Tables of Roman law did in those situations with the rest of the powerpoint. During this process, teachers will prompt the students to discuss the differences in their answers with the 12 Tables of Roman Law and what that tells us about Ancient Roman culture.
After the lesson, the teacher optionally assigns the students a 1 paragraph writing prompt on the main difference between Roman culture and society today.
For Texas teachers, this lesson addresses the following TEKs:
WH1 History. The student understands traditional historical points of reference in world history. The student is expected to: (B) identify major causes and describe the major effects of the following events from 500 BC to AD 600: the development of the classical civilization of Rome,
WH22 Citizenship. The student understands the historical development of significant legal and political concepts related to the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. The student is expected to: (B) identify the influence of ideas regarding the right to a "trial by a jury of your peers" and the concepts of "innocent until proven guilty" and "equality before the law" that originated from the Judeo-Christian legal tradition and in Greece and Rome
Created by Dan Nguyen - Visit My Store