Students will learn about the foundation of the 13 colonies and the French and Indian War with these 20+ resources. The resources include a gallery walk, 2 map reviews, a PowerPoint, DBQ, true/false/fix, timeline project, many primary source analysis resources (some with image analysis, others are point of view analysis), colonial identifications, a one pager, a test, and more! Many of the activities would be great for a sub and the answers are included where appropriate.
This includes:
--Bacon's Rebellion analysis
--Jamestown primary source analysis
--Mayflower Compact analysis
--Native Americans and colonists primary source analysis
--analysis of the Albany Plan of Union
--Foundation of the 13 Colonies gallery walk
--13 colonies sorting chart
--13 colonies text and image identifications with a map
--one pager
--timeline project
--timeline stations
--primary source quote analysis
--True, False, Fix (2 sets)
--Salem Witch Trials text and image analysis
--Salem Witch Trials point of view analysis
--Salem Witch Trials trading card and cube project
--Salem Witch Trials video activity
--analysis of Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
--French and Indian War pamphlet
--French and Indian War map
--French and Indian War overview
--Colonization PowerPoint
--colonies compare and contrast project
--editable test
Click here for more resources from Stephanie's History Store