
The Great Depression Point of View Analysis

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  • The Great Depression Point of View Analysis
  • The Great Depression Point of View Analysis
  • The Great Depression Point of View Analysis


Students will read and analyze 2 points of view on the value of self-help during the Great Depression by answering 42 questions and completing an extension task. The excerpts are from Henry Ford in favor of self-help and against government charity and Charles Walker asserting that self-help isn't enough. The answers are included where appropriate and this would be great for a sub! 

Sample questions include:
--Identify the impact of the Gilded Age on Ford’s take on employment.
--What did Ford see as the immediate solution to the current “condition?”
--Explain the meaning of the phrase, “professional indigence.”
--Describe the purpose of the 5th paragraph in relation to the points Ford is making.
--How does “the land” connect to self-dependence?
--How had John Boris prepared for hard times? Which phrase helped you answer that question?
--What did many of those 227,000 unemployed men have in common?
--Write a contextually appropriate synonym, or definition, for “epoch.” 
--What is Walker’s strongest argument that self-help isn’t always enough and why?
--What is Walker’s weakest argument/point and why?
--If you could re-title each excerpt what would you choose and why?

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