Students will learn about the people, events, developments, religious beliefs, accomplishments, rise, fall, and more from the Olmec, Maya, Aztecs, and Inca with these resources. They will complete a set of task cards (image identification, multiple choice, true/false/fix, short answer), work through a PowerPoint or gallery walk with a note guide, complete a set of maps and true/false/fix, design trading cards and a cube, and analyze a primary source about the arrival of the Spanish from the Aztec point of view. The test is provided in Word and PDF formats and the questions are multiple choice, fill in the blank, matching, true/false/fix, image identifications, and short answer. Teacher information, templates, and the answers are included where appropriate. Most of these resources would be great for a sub!
To recap, this includes:
--task cards for the Olmec and Maya
--PowerPoint for the Aztecs and Inca
--primary source analysis for the Aztecs
--true false fix for the whole region
--trading card and cube project
--regional and civilization map
--reference sheet with brief questions for the Chavin, Moche, Nazca, Huari, and Tiahuanaco
--compare and contrast project
--editable test
Click here for more resources from Stephanie's History Store