A set of 7 puzzles that have students practice critical thinking skills and apply concepts related to Thermal Energy including keywords such as conduction, convection, radiation, temperature, joules of energy, kinetic energy of particles, and the melting/boiling points of water in Celsius. The puzzles are designed to align with the NGSS physical science standards.
NGSS Standards Addressed:
- MS-PS-3-3 Types of thermal energy transfer),
- MS-PS-3-4 (properties of different materials and thermal energy transfer),
- MS-PS-1-4 (particle motion and thermal energy)
- Conduction, Convection, and Radiation Maze Students will use background knowledge about different types of transfer of thermal energy to solve the maze using the images and written descriptions of different heat transfer events. When solved correctly the letters in each box can be unscrambled to spell a "secret" word Supports NGSS MS-PS-3-3 and MS-PS-3-4
- Sunny Day Hidden Message Students will use background knowledge about types of energy transfer and particle motion to answer the questions to solve the puzzle. Puzzle uses concepts such as conduction, convection, thermal conductor, thermal insulator, radiation, boiling/freezing points of water, and particle movement Supports NGSS MS-PS-1-4
- Cow Hidden Message Students will read a graph about the amount of thermal energy added to four different types of materials to answer questions that require students to read the graph, describe the trends in the graph, and use the graph to make predictions. Supports NGSS MS-PS-3-4.
- Clock Hidden Message Students will read a graph about the amount of thermal energy added to four different types of materials to answer questions that require students to use the data table and information in the text to answer questions about the thermal properties of materials. upports NGSS MS-PS-3-4.
- Worm Hidden Message. Students read statements and determine if they are true or false. Contains statements about common misconceptions about thermal energy Teacher notes contain explanations for false statements. Supports NGSS MS-PS-3-4.
- Not Listening Hidden Message Students will use background knowledge about different types of transfer of thermal energy to solve the puzzle using the images. Supports NGSS MS-PS-3-4.
- Unicom Hidden Message Students will use background knowledge about different types of transfer of thermal energy to solve the puzzle. Supports NGSS MS-PS-3-4.
Usage Recommendations: These worksheets are versatile and can be utilized for independent practice, in stations, as homework assignments, or as part of emergency substitute teacher plans for unexpected schedule changes.