Conics: Parabola Classwork and/or Homework
$3.50This product has 16 problems students can do as classwork or homework. They can be completed individually or as group work. They cover parabolas as conics with: focus, vertex, focal...$3.50 -
Conics: Parabolas Scaffolded Notes with Classwork
$4.00These scaffolded notes have students fill in the blank, problems to work together as a class, and problems to work individually. They cover parabolas as conics with: definition of...$4.00 -
Dalton's Atomic Theory Activities
$2.50This product contains three activities for students to do either individually or as partners in class. The activities focus on: isotopes, Law of Definite Proportions, and Law of Multiple...$2.50 -
Dalton's Atomic Theory Bundle
$4.50This bundle contains the following products at a reduced price: Atoms Introduction - Scaffolded Notes Dalton's Atomic Theory Scaffolded Notes Dalton's Atomic Theory Activities Remember, YOU...$4.50 -
Dalton's Atomic Theory Scaffolded Notes
$2.50These scaffolded notes with examples cover: theory vs law Law of Conservation of Mass Law of Definite Proportions Dalton's Atomic Theory, and Law of Multiple Proportions A detailed teacher...$2.50 -
Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS) and Decimal Degrees (DD) BUNDLE
$8.00This bundle contain the following products at a reduced price: Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS) and Decimal Degrees (DD) Scaffolded Notes Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS) and Decimal Degrees (DD)...$8.00 -
Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS) and Decimal Degrees (DD) Classwork / Homework
$3.00This homework has students converting between degrees, minutes, seconds (DMS) and decimal degrees (DD). They also have to find the missing angle of a triangle using DMS. This requires adding and...$3.00 -
Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS) and Decimal Degrees (DD) Foldable Notes
$3.00This product provides eight different versions of foldable notes working through an example of switching from degrees, minutes, seconds (DMS) to decimal degrees (DD) and another example of switching...$3.00 -
Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS) and Decimal Degrees (DD) Scaffolded Notes
$3.00These scaffolded notes provide an overview of degrees, minutes, seconds (DMS) and decimal degrees (DD). Also included are examples of switching from degrees, minutes, seconds (DMS) to decimal degrees...$3.00 -
Dimensional Analysis Adventure Activity
$4.00ACTIVITY to solidify the learning of dimensional analysis (AKA factor-label method, unit analysis). Can also be modified to use as part of a cooperative learning activity. Activity is similar to a...$4.00 -
Dimensional Analysis Bundle
$11.00BUNDLE - Scaffolded NOTES (including classwork) to learn dimensional Analysis and HOMEWORK, WORD PROBLEMS, and ACTIVITY to solidify the learning of dimensional analysis. This bundle includes these...$11.00 -
Dimensional Analysis Classwork / Homework
$2.50HOMEWORK to solidify the learning of dimensional analysis (AKA factor-label method, unit analysis). Can also be modified to use as part of a cooperative learning activity. The preview contains ALL...$2.50