
Uppercase Letter Benchmark & Progress Monitoring Assessment for Names & Sounds

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  • Uppercase Letter Benchmark & Progress Monitoring Assessment for Names & Sounds
  • Uppercase Letter Benchmark & Progress Monitoring Assessment for Names & Sounds
  • Uppercase Letter Benchmark & Progress Monitoring Assessment for Names & Sounds
  • Uppercase Letter Benchmark & Progress Monitoring Assessment for Names & Sounds


Do you need a quick, effective, organized way to assess your students’ knowledge of letter names and/or sounds? This uppercase letter benchmark and progress monitoring assessment checks all of those boxes! All you have to do is print the forms you need and start assessing your students’ knowledge of capital letters!

Quickly and easily benchmark and progress monitor your students with this assessment which can be used to assess letter names and/or letter sounds. Begin by giving the benchmark assessment to all of your students. You can do so using the digital slideshow or the printable student stimulus pages. Record each students’ data on the benchmark data form; then from there, determine who needs additional intervention and will need to be progress monitored.

The Uppercase Letter Names/Sounds Assessment comes with 21 unique progress monitoring assessments so you can easily collect 7 rounds worth of data without repeating an assessment! The slideshows and printable stimulus forms are very basic and clean so students can give all their attention to the task at hand instead of being distracted by cutesy details.


Here’s what you get:

1 digital benchmark assessment slideshow

21 digital progress monitoring assessment slideshows

1 set of printable student stimulus pages that have the benchmark and progress monitoring assessments in printable form

Directions for use

8 data tracking forms for letter names with the letters in ABC order

8 data tracking forms for letter names with the letters in the order they appear on the assessment

8 data tracking forms for letter sounds with the letters in ABC order

8 data tracking forms for letter sounds with the letters in the order they appear on the assessment


You will love the simplicity this assessment brings to your life. I was traveling from classroom to classroom with my paperclipped flashcards and a data sheet for each student where I recorded + or – depending on student response. Then, I had another form with the student goal and whether or not the student met the goal each time. It was a ton of papers and made my life a complete mess. Not something I had time for when I was seeing 15+ kindergartners a day in addition to my 50+ 1st – 5th graders! This assessment cut back on my paperwork and allowed me to keep all student data for 1 round of interventions in one simplified form!

There is no prep for you with this assessment. Your biggest decision will be choosing the digital slideshows or the printable stimulus pages for giving the assessment. Once you make that decision, all you have to do is print the data tracking form.



Copyright © Tales from Title


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