Follow the latest TikTok trend with this very mindful, very cutesy, very demure classroom poster set for the new school year. Posters address the following classroom expectations: wear your id, follow the dress code, don't call your teacher bruh, arrive to class on time, bring your supplies to class, enter the classroom calmly, be respectful to your peers, clean up after yourself, raise your hand before speaking, and do not speak when the teacher is speaking. This poster set is intended to be printed as a 16x20 posters and can be printed at Walgreens, Staples, Office Deport, etc. (Walgreens regularly has prints for 40-60% off). Show your students your sense of humor, while enforcing your classroom expectations with this fun poster! Have a great school year! Plus, when you purchase this bundle, you get an additional SURPRISE 18x24 Classroom Poster!