World Geography students will learn about, or review, the physical geography, history, modern day life and more of any country or region with these 15+ activities and projects such as to one pagers, research graphic organizers, passport trackers, cubes, trading cards, compare and contrast, and more! There are a mix of academic, creative, opinion, written, and visual requirements across the projects.
Teacher information pages, rubrics, templates, point distributions, and sample images are included where appropriate.
To recap, this includes:
--passport tracker
--country collage
--around the world end of year project
--country report poster
--modern day life project
--travel agent project
--research graphic organizers
--GRAPES for any country or region
--one pager
--compare and contrast activity
--history trading cards and cubes
--history timeline
--overarching creative review project
--states research graphic organizers
--landforms trading cards and cube
--physical geography over
--overarching academic review
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