Appeasement Quote and Image Analysis
- Pages:
- 7
Students will read 9 quotes about the Munich Conference (Munich Agreement) and appeasement from 1938 and 1939, answer 20 questions, complete a creative task, and analyze 2 images. This would be great for a sub when you're covering events leading to WW2 (World War 2, WWII). The answers are included where appropriate.
Sample questions include:
--Identify the crux of Chamberlain’s goal in 1938.
--Pulling from the excerpt and the historical context, what has been happening in the 5 years he refers to that brought him to this speech?
--Identify the “defeat without war” Churchill alluded to in this excerpt.
--Summarize Hitler’s intentions in your own words to demonstrate understanding.
--Based on the excerpt, do you think Channon supported appeasement in 1938, why or why not? What about in 1939, why or why not?
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