
Armor of God Lapbook | Ephesians 6

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  • Armor_Of_God_Ephesians
  • Armor_Of_God_Ephesians
  • Armor of God Lapbook | Ephesians 6
  • Armor_Of_God_Ephesians


Armor of God Lapbook

What's the best way to resist temptation and sin? Put on the full armor of God!

Help your students prepare for the battles they will face by teaching them about the armor of God from Ephesians 6:10-20. Roman soldiers used to wear heavy pieces of armor when they went to battle.  

Paul, who lived and preached during the Roman Empire, instructed fellow Christians to put on their spiritual armor just like the soldiers put on their fighting armor for battles. This spiritual armor is invisible but it protects us against attacks from Satan. Satan often tries to trick us by deceiving us. The armor of God helps us stand strong in attacks.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.   Ephesians 6:10-11

The Full Armor of God

Front Cover - Includes a picture of a Roman soldier for kids to color and a fill in the blanks verse from Ephesians 6:10-11 from ESV.

  • Left Flap- Includes pictures of pieces of the armor; flaps will be lifted to reveal what the item is. For example, the breastplate of  (fill in the blank). (Kids will lift the flap and write righteousness).
  • Right Flap - Includes pictures of pieces of the armor; flaps will be lifted to reveal what the item is. For example, the helmet of (fill in the blank). (Kids will lift the flap and write salvation).
  • Middle - Includes flip shapes about how each piece of the armor helps us. Other flip shapes require the students to brainstorms ways they can stand firm for God and how we can resist satan's attacks.

When we put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and the helmet of salvation, we know God's truths and are not easily tricked. The shoes of peace help us to share the Gospel and stay calm in stressful situations. The sword of the Spirit means we know and understand God's words, and the shield of faith protects us from the schemes of the evil one by relying on God. We are ready for battle when we put on this armor of God. 

Easy to Assemble

This easy to assemble armor of God lapbook helps students learn and/or review the Armor of God. It is great for 3rd-6th graders in Christian schools, sub plans, Sunday school classes, or homeschooled children.

Pictures are in black and white so students can color the handouts themselves.

Directions and pictures for assembling the Armor of God Lapbook are included.

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1 Review

  • 5

    Armor of God Lapbook

    Posted by Evan Mitchell on Mar 21st 2021

    Love this interactive lapbook

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