
Bacterial Hanging Drop Slide Lab Manual

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  • Bacterial Hanging Drop Slide Lab Manual
  • Bacterial Hanging Drop Slide Lab Manual
  • Bacterial Hanging Drop Slide Lab Manual


Greetings! I typed out this full-page user-friendly lab to help my advanced biology students experience a safe and successful hanging drop slide lab. The students’ mission is to observe the motility of a living culture of a spiral-shaped bacteria with a compound microscope following the tips embedded in my procedure. I offer a myriad of time-tested tips you won't find on any other hanging drop slide lab manual. 

You will need to order an active culture of Rhodospirillum rubrum from a science supply company. Order the bacteria in a liquid broth form in a test tube. You will also need the following lab supplies to facilitate this lab – plastic disposable coverslips, plastic disposable 1 mL transfer pipettes, a set of glass depression slides, Vaseline, toothpicks, and compound light microscopes.

This lab manual contains a completed purpose, safety precaution section, materials needed, procedure, and a series of open post-lab questions. I included a key for the post-lab questions with the answers in bold, red font.

This PDF file will become editable upon conversion to Microsoft Word using an Adobe Acrobat Reader DC app. I edited this lab with the premium version of Grammarly.

This lab complements the following microbiology activities in my store.

Simple Bacterial Stain Lab

Microbiology Gram Stain Lab

Antibiotic Sensitivity Disks Lab Manual for Microbiology

Microbiology Unit Review Packet Bacteria and Viruses

I appreciate your interest. I have twenty-four years of teaching experience and twenty-two as the science department head at the time of this publication. I have published science kits, games, and books through several international science supply companies dating back to 2002. Order with confidence!

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