
Cold War Unit Bundle! (Guided Notes, Teacher Guide, Test, Prezi: US History)

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Mad Historian
Grade Levels:
Product Types:
Notes, Prezi, Assessments, Unit Plans
File Types:
PDF, Word Document, exe
Answer Key:
  • Cold War Unit Bundle! (Guided Notes, Teacher Guide, Test, Prezi: US History)
  • Cold War Unit Bundle! (Guided Notes, Teacher Guide, Test, Prezi: US History)
  • Cold War Unit Bundle! (Guided Notes, Teacher Guide, Test, Prezi: US History)
  • Cold War Unit Bundle! (Guided Notes, Teacher Guide, Test, Prezi: US History)
  • Cold War Unit Bundle! (Guided Notes, Teacher Guide, Test, Prezi: US History)


This is everything you need for an entire unit on the Cold War! Focusing on a US History perspective, this resource is complete with Guided Notes, a Prezi Presentation (a fun alternative to PowerPoint!), a Teacher Guide, and Assessments. It is aligned with state standards of US and American History courses, but is also created to fit a World History class! All of these resources are also available separately in my store. With this bundle, you will receive:

GUIDED NOTES: These Cold War Guided Notes have students embracing the note-making process! These are perfect for your visual learners, and are organized in a manner to benefit all students. 1:1 Google Classroom compatible AND loaded with higher level thinking questions that encourage students to dive into historical discussion. This is available to print in color or in greyscale.


- A Cover Page to use in student binders

- A Table of Contents

- Thought-provoking analysis questions

- Fun graphics and pictures

- Maps and map “skill-building” opportunities

- Organized content that is chunked and organized 

PREZI PRESENTATION: This Cold War Prezi offers a fun alternative to PowerPoint! This presentation is easy to use, creates opportunities for engaging discussion, and presents the Cold War in an interesting and new way. This Prezi is embedded with short video clips, links to resources, and stunning visuals that will have your students engaged and excited. 

TEACHER GUIDE: Great for substitutes and teachers alike! The Cold War unit Teacher Guide provides everything that you need to offer instruction in an effective way. This resource will provide you with page by page talking points, discussion prompts, activities (with answer keys), and useful links to videos and online resources.


- An organized plan of implementation (Teacher Guide is organized according to the Guided Notes ‘Table of Contents’ for ease).

- Talking points are offered to enhance discussion as students take notes

* Example: Berlin Wall Fun Facts

- Activities that can be used for whole class instruction, or printed for individual student use, such as:

* A Communism/Capitalism Match-Up

* A Cold War Timeline with ‘term bank’

- An option for a project- “Nuclear Weapons Awareness”

- Links to videos and online sources that enhance learning

* Marshall Plan video

* Vietnam Tet Offensive Video

* ’13 Days of the Cuban Missile Crisis’ Website

* The Collapse of the Soviet Union Video

ASSESSMENTSThis Cold War Assessments Package is aligned with all Cold War resources from The Mad Historian! All assessments are completely editable and adjustable. Assessment formats range from multiple choice questions, to written responses. Topics on this assessment include (but are not limited to) the Partition of Germany, the Creation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact, Containment, and the Cuban Missile Crisis.


- Test: with 18 multiple Choice questions, 2 Short-Response Questions, and 1 Long-Response Question.

- Test: Answer Key

- End of Unit Homework (acts as a study guide for the Test)

- A DBQ with constructed-response questions and a long response/essay prompt

Topics Covered in this Unit:

- Post-WWII events and the UN

- Partition of Germany

- US Containment

- NATO and Warsaw Pact

- Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan

- Arms Race and Space Race

- The Korean War

- The Red Scare and McCarthyism

- The Cuban Missile Crisis

- Détente and S.A.L.T.

- The Vietnam War

- Soviet- Afghanistan War

- Gorbachev- Reagan; the End of the Cold War

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