Math Freebies
Ordering Texas Cities (FREE)
$0.00These are cards with the 14 largest Texas cities and their populations. Students can use these to familiarize themselves with the largest cities in Texas (there have been changes within their lifetime) or use them as a math activity for ordering...$0.00 -
Guided Reading record Keeping template
$0.00Freebie! This template contains all you need for planning a small group guided reading lesson and recording notes on each reader. The planning section includes spaces for objective or teaching point, title, level, before, during, and after reading...$0.00 -
Notes from the Substitute - FREE
$0.00**FREEBIE!** Wonder how your class did while you were out? This quick sheet is a great one to add to your sub folder or binder! You'll get a quick glimpse at your students' day while you were out! It's a great reference for you, and one to keep...$0.00 -
Midsegments of a Triangle Activity - FREE
$0.00This activity allows students to discover the properties of midsegments of triangles. The activity is followed by two examples; one to be done as a class and the other designed for the individual student. Each student or group will need 2-3 sheets of...$0.00 -
FREE Weekly Planner
$0.00Simple weekly planner template in color and black and white. This weekly template has been very helpful for me, so I've spruced it up a bit to share! Just fill in your content areas along the left side and use the boxes to make a quick note about your...$0.00 -
Rational Exponents and Radical Expressions Introduction Homework - FREE
$0.00HOMEWORK or CLASSWORK to solidify a short introduction (or review) to rational numbers, rational exponents, and converting rational exponents to radical expressions. A detailed teacher key is provided. I hope you are able to use this product for the...$0.00 -
Dinosaur Claws - Learn the 3 x tables the fun way!
$0.00Dinosaur Claws is a visual, auditory and kinaesthetic approach for young children to learn and memorise the three times tables. It works incredibly quickly and learners will always remember this method! This resource includes: Full instructions for...$0.00 -
Combining Like Terms and Evaluating Algebraic Expressions: GOOGLE FORMS QUIZ- FREE
$0.00FREE PRODUCT ALERT! Try a Google Forms Quiz for free to see if you would like to use this digital product in the future! 20 Problem Google Forms Quiz, instantly graded and students are notified via email of which problems were correct and...$0.00 -
Combining Like Terms and Evaluating Algebraic Expressions: GOOGLE Slides
$0.00Get off of the copy line and into digital practice! Go to your GOOGLE classroom and assign these slides within the CLASSWORK section. You will then see a preview of slide 1 from all of your students so you will know...$0.00 -
Combining Like Terms & Evaluating Algebraic Expressions: DIGITAL BOOM Cards
$0.00Click here for a playable preview with notes! Click here for a playable preview without notes! BOTH VERSIONS ARE INCLUDED! Boom Cards are interactive slides where students are first given notes on the topic and then...$0.00 -
Geometric Town Project - FREE
$0.00Hands-on geometry practice! Students demonstrate their understanding of geometric concepts in a fun way using this engaging project. Grades 3 and up. Includes standards, essential questions, and enduring understandings, and grading checklist.Great for...$0.00 -
Finding the Slope of Graphed Lines: Digital BOOM Cards- 22 Problems
$0.00Click here for a playable preview with notes! Click here for a playable preview without notes! BOTH VERSIONS ARE INCLUDED! Boom Cards are interactive slides where students are first given notes on the topic and...$0.00