
Geography Around the World Christmas Map Activity

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  • Geography Around the World Christmas Map Activity
  • Geography Around the World Christmas Map Activity


Students review map skills (cardinal directions, latitude, longitude), what they learned about political and physical geography, and research skills by helping Santa and his reindeer get from one location to another to deliver presents. There are 25 questions and each answer is a different location in the world (country, city, body of water, etc). After answering the questions, students map each location that Santa went to, and then they send him to 4 more of their own design. The answers are included and if your students have access to their class materials this would be great for a sub!

 Sample questions include:
--He flies southwest and makes his drop offs in the landlocked country north of Austria. Which country did he visit first? 
--From that archipelago, Santa’s sleigh flew east until just passing the latitude line of 10 degrees E until it reached the capital of Norway. Where did they land to deliver more presents? 
--Once the reindeer have eaten, the sleigh is loaded up and Santa steers the reindeer east. Their next stop is Ankara. What is the last body of water they fly over before landing?
--It’s Santa’s turn to eat and he wants tandoori chicken in a town south of the Deccan Plateau. Which country do they fly to?
--To get a little ahead in his deliveries, Santa uses timezones to his advantage and flies southwest to the southern most city in Argentina. Which city is that?
--Santa hears a weather alert about a blizzard over the Rocky Mountains, so he decides to delay deliveries to the west coast of which country until the storm passes? 
--As a thank you for helping him fly around the world, Santa needs to put presents under your tree too. From the capital of Iceland (which is what?), which direction does he fly to your hometown and about how many miles does he travel?

Click here for more Geography resources from Stephanie's History Store 

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