This listing features a full-page review sheet for an introductory unit in Human Anatomy and Physiology. It covers the following topics – anatomical position terms, the English meanings of Latin body regional terms, abdominopelvic regions, functions of the major body systems, body cavity divisions and subdivisions, the hierarchy of life, and the three-body planes. This review contains seven sections described below.
- True or False? – Anatomical position term statements. Correct the underlined position term if the description is inaccurate.
- Write the English location for each listed Latin regional term.
- Abdominopelvic Region Table – Write the correct placement of the abdominopelvic regions into the table grids using a word (area) bank.
- Identify the system of the body responsible for each listed primary function or functions.
- Determine the home of the organ in the correct cavity and cavity division
- Record the hierarchy of life, from the smallest level of organization to the broadest level
- Draw and describe the cuts of the three primary body planes
This study guide will prepare students for the opening unit exam for Human Anatomy and Physiology I published. The test has the same seven sections but with different examples or modified tasks. If teachers have to follow an initiative to offer test retakes, this review guide would make for an ideal Exam B with the modification of the title and point values for each section.
This PDF file will become editable upon conversion to Microsoft Word using an Adobe Acrobat Reader app.
I included a two-page key with the answers in red font.
This test complements the following resources in my store for unit one in Human Anatomy and Physiology.
Human Anatomy & Physiology Introductory Unit Exam
Anatomical Position Term Activity Series
Human Anatomy Unit 1 Latin Root Word Worksheet Set
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