Teacher Blog
Tips to Ease College Transition Phobia
Tips to Ease College Transition PhobiaBy Beth Hammett THE EDUCATOR HELPERBeth lives on the Texas Gulf Coast where she teaches literature and writing at a local college. As a local and state award winning teacher for more than twenty years, she continuously works with students of all ages using a variety of instructional modes. Beth also presents active learning strategies and reading and writing techniques nationally in schools and at conferences. She is certified as an adult learning specialist
Apr 6th 2021
New Year, New Rules - Back to School Blog from a Distance
Hello, digital pioneers (aka teachers)!As we embark on a wireless web of new tech and
new opportunities for many teachers, here are some tips for approaching a
successful year, beginning in distance learning, or hybrid teaching. If you’re
in the classroom with your students, these can still be helpful ideas for the
2020-2021 school year. Zooming
In, Up, and Away
appearance shows more than you think.
Check a mirror, or your webcam, before students connect. Your
Aug 18th 2020
Meaningful Money Lesson for young learners
Interactive lessons are NOT just for older students! This week for the next installment in the Happy Hive Homeschooling product review series we are going to take a look at curriculum from Froggy About Teaching that is designed specifically for learners in Kindergarten and First grade. This interactive curriculum is off the page! Not your traditional pencil and paper assignment – the K-1 Coins Pack is designed for use with Smart Boards, Google Classroom, Seasaw or other similar virtual learning
Jun 20th 2020
Sanity Saving Secondary Math Resources
Welcome back to the Happy Hive Homeschool’s product review series. We have a middle school / High school Math resource for you today. This area of homeschooling is often a challenge for parents as the math gets beyond what we are comfortable with, or what we remember. Finding support and supplements is a good way to keep our learners on track. Today we are going to look at one such line of curriculum that can help do just that.This Boom Deck™ includes 30 multiple choice questions for finding the
Jun 20th 2020
Some Thoughts About Distance Learning
Matthew Forman - ELA in Middle SchoolIn this world crisis, there has been a lot of understandable panic and rampant fear that we have face. From shortages of bread and dairy products, to medical devices, to - NO! SAY IT AIN'T SO! - toilet paper. Some, obviously, much more serious than others. What there has been no shortage of, however, is the willingness, caring and love that teachers around the world have shown to their students, their students' families, their administr
Apr 15th 2020