
JFK Assassination - Conspirator 2 PowerPoint

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A PowerPoint presentation on the military and intelligence community's role in the assassination. From JFK's war on the CIA after the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion to his determination to avoid a war in Southeast Asia, the view from the military-industrial complex was JFK was going to cost them a LOT of money. The President's seeming failures to stand up to the Soviets in Cuba (multiple times), Berlin (the Wall), and his dalliance with Premier Khrushchev to negotiate a nuclear test-ban treaty, his plan to shut down military bases, and his eagerness to end the Cold War in a second term demonstrated to military and intelligence brass that JFK was soft on communism. Includes the President's National Security Action Memos 55, 56, 57, and 263 - all of which freaked out the powers-that-be in Washington DC. Something HAD to be done before he could win a second term. (#6 in the series)

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