
Letter from a Pennsylvania Farmer Primary Source Analysis

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  • Letter from a Pennsylvania Farmer Primary Source Analysis
  • Letter from a Pennsylvania Farmer Primary Source Analysis


Students will read excerpts from John Dickinson’s 1767 Letter to a Pennsylvania Farmer and answer 22 questions. They will also complete an extension/creative task. The answers are included and this would be great for a sub!  

Sample questions include:
—Explain what Dickinson sees as the potential impact of the Parliamentary acts being passed.
—Inferring from the historical context, what was a key reason for the change in relations?
—Why might Dickinson have described this change as being “dangerous?”
—Which act is Dickinson referencing in the 3rd paragraph?
—Compare and contrast the impact of the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts on the colonies as Dickinson sees it. 
—Inferring from prior knowledge, where do those rights stem from?
—Explain why/how Britain uses its historical relationship with the colonists to justify its current actions.
—Does this excerpt support Dickinson as wanting independence from Britain, why or why not?

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