Nullification Text and Image Analysis
- Pages:
- 11
Students will read 5 primary source excerpts on the nullification crisis as related to South Carolina and the Tariff of Abominations, define 24 terms, and answer 27 questions. They will then analyze 5 political cartoons according to provided prompts. The text selections are from John Calhoun (2), Robert Hayne, James Madison, and Andrew Jackson. The answers are included where appropriate and this would be great for a sub!
Sample questions include:
--Identify what would have led to the Federal Government violating the Constitution.
--Explain the cause and effect Calhoun discuses in the third paragraph.
--Where in the text do you think Calhoun makes his strongest argument for nullification and why?
--Based on the first paragraph, is Hayne for or against nullification and why?
--Explain the relevance of Madison’s three fourths statement.
--Identify the main point of Jackson’s first paragraph.
--What will the people of South Carolina be guilty of should they in fact follow through with nullification and possible separation, and why?
--Identify and explain the greatest similarity you see in the pro-nullification sources. Does Jackson’s source counter them sufficiently, why or why not?
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