
Order of Operations BINGO!

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Pre-Algebra Adventures
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Answer Key Included:
  • Order of Operations BINGO!
  • Order of Operations BINGO!
  • Order of Operations BINGO!
  • Order of Operations BINGO!


Order of Operations Bingo:

Students will have fun using PEMDAS while playing Bingo with their classmates as they review solving expressions using the proper order of operations. **Answer key included!

 Directions: There are 30 task cards with different a multi-step equation on each one. Pass out a Bingo sheet to each student. Then project all of the possible answers (there are 30). Student will need to pick any 24 answers and put them in any order on their Bingo sheet.

 Once every student has their selected answers on their Bingo sheet, you can begin the game! Randomly pick equations from the task cards (I cut these so they are all individual cards) and project them for the students (I use my document camera for this). The students will need to solve each equation and if that answer appears on their Bingo sheet, they will put the task card letter next to that answer and cross out that box. Repeat until someone calls out ‘Bingo!’

 Check the students’ answers using the answer sheet provided. Their answers should correspond to the task card letter and the answer of the equation on that task card.

 *Teacher Tip: When I play this game with my students, I keep a blank sheet of paper nearby so I can write down the letters of each task card that is used. It makes checking students’ ‘Bingo’ a little faster. My students love this game and get very competitive!

 Created by: Pre-Algebra Adventures 


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