Students complete an interview activity to review Madison's presidency. They first answer 5 history based questions, then they "interview" Madison after becoming president (5 questions and answers), and then they conduct his last interview prior to his death (7 questions and answers). The last task is a bonus creative opportunity. An answer key is included where appropriate and this would work for a sub!
Sample questions include:
--Did Madison interpret the Constitution strictly or loosely? Justify your answer.
--Which group of people are represented in this image? Discuss the way(s) in which this image reflects Madison’s ideas/intentions/course of action with said group of people.
--What do you think will be your biggest challenge in achieving your goals?
--How do you think you will actually be remembered?
--Would you rather be remembered for overseeing the War of 1812, as the “Father” of the Bill of Rights, or for a different reason, and why?
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