
President Ulysses S. Grant Interview Review Activity

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  • President Ulysses S. Grant Interview Review Activity
  • President Ulysses S. Grant Interview Review Activity
  • President Ulysses S. Grant Interview Review Activity
  • President Ulysses S. Grant Interview Review Activity


Students complete an interview activity to review Grant's presidency. They first answer 7 history based questions, then they "interview" Grant after becoming president (5 questions and answers), and then they conduct his last interview prior to his death (7 questions and answers). The last task is a bonus creative opportunity. An answer key is included where appropriate and this would work for a sub!

Sample questions include: 
--Identify the biggest challenge you think Grant faced upon taking office. How might his background as a General have helped or hindered his approach to handing such a challenge and taking on the presidency?
--What was the 15th Amendment for and what purpose would its universal ratification (as Grant fought for) have served?
--Grant hope that Native Americans could eventually assimilate into white society and become citizens. Compare and contrast his policies’ successes and failures.
--What would you like your legacy to be?
--Do you have any regrets from your time in office?
--If you could give yourself one piece of advice on your way to your first inauguration what would it have been and why? What advice would you have given yourself prior to your second inauguration and why?

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