President Kennedy Interview Review Activity
- Pages:
- 5
Students complete an interview activity to review JFK's presidency. They first answer 5 history based questions, then they "interview" John F. Kennedy after becoming president (6 questions and answers), and then they conduct JFK's last interview prior to his assassination (6 questions and answers). The last task is a bonus creative opportunity. An answer key is included where appropriate and this would work for a sub!
Sample questions include:
--How did the advent of televised election season debates positively or negatively affect JFK’s election?
--Explain the literal, and implied, meaning of, “Ich bin ein Berliner” and under what circumstances was it first uttered?
--As the youngest president yet elected, and the first Catholic, do you feel any extra responsibilities on your shoulders? If so what are they, if not, why not? Do you think the precedents you are setting add a layer of difficulty to your job? Why or why not?
--What is the most important item on your presidential agenda?
--If you had the opportunity to run for a second term, would you, why or why not? If you would, what would you hope to accomplish during that second term?
--If you could give yourself one piece of advice in the hour before your first inauguration what would it have been and why?
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