Project Education
1917 (Movie) - Movie Guide
$2.25This product includes resources to be used with the film, 1917. This film was released in 2019 and is a great resource to use when teaching a unit on World War I. In the film, two soldiers are tasked...$2.25 -
1917 (Movie) Quick Quiz
$1.00This Quick Quiz is a ten question multiple choice quiz to be used with the World War I film 1917. This film provides an accurate depiction of World War I through a fictional story. This is a great...$1.00 -
1917 (Movie) Review Questions
$1.00This product is designed to accompany a World History/U.S. History course that is using the film "1917" to teach students about World War I and trench warfare. The resource includes questions that...$1.00 -
1st Amendment Supreme Court Cases
$1.00This single page worksheet is divided into three different sections. The three sections are designed to teach students about the importance of the 1st amendment, the freedoms of the 1st amendment,...$1.00 -
3 Strikes Laws Discussion Questions
$1.00This document examines 3 Strikes Laws that have been passed in some states of the United States. The document includes 4 websites for students to read and examine: "Three Strikes"...$1.00 -
4 M.A.I.N. Causes of World War I Poster
$0.75This resource is a downloadable Print-Ready PDF poster. It is a high quality file designed to be printed as an 18x24 inch poster. The poster could also be resized to be smaller or stretched to be a...$0.75 -
Age of Enlightenment Bingo
$1.00This Bingo game is designed to help students review important figures, terms, publications, and ideas relevant to the Age of Enlightenment. This Bingo game includes printable game boards and clues...$1.00 -
American Civil War Choice Activity
$1.25This activity is a great resource to use for distance learning and in the classroom. It provides students with three opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge of the American Civil War. This...$1.25 -
American Revolution Vocabulary Graphic Organizer
$1.00This product is a graphic organizer/chart of vocabulary words for a unit on the American Revolution and includes sections in which students can write the definition and also a section for students to...$1.00 -
Ancient Mesopotamia Test
$1.00This comprehensive test includes a multiple choice section, matching section, true/false section, short answer section, and an extended response section. This test over Ancient Mesopotamia is a...$1.00 -
Bill of Rights Study Guide
$1.00This study guide is a great resource to use for teachers reviewing The Bill of Rights with students. This product is designed to review a Bill of Rights unit or chapter. This study guide...$1.00 -
Borrowing Money Webquest
$1.00This resource has been updated with good links (January 2020) and is a great resource to use in a Personal Finance or Financial Literacy course. The purpose of the web quest is to get students to...$1.00