
Simple Highlighting and Annotating Strategies Outline for Nonfiction

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Nemo's Nook
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  • Simple Highlighting and Annotating Strategies Outline for Nonfiction
  • Simple Highlighting and Annotating Strategies Outline for Nonfiction


This annotation guide for nonfiction provides a simple and easy way for students to learn annotation skills while reading nonfiction articles, primary sources, etc. It is a handout that gives them a step by step guide on how to critically read and gather information from nonfiction texts and be able to use this information for future assignments.

I usually have students put this resource in the front of their notebooks or binders at the beginning of the year so they can refer back to it over and over again.

Teachers who have purchased this item have given this a 5/5 rating for helping them teach annotation to their students: 

"5 out of 5
Extremely satisfied. I am still learning how to teach annotations. this helps."
        August 6, 2024
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