
Spanish Animals Vocab Word Search - los animales búsqueda de palabras activity

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  • Spanish Animals Vocab Word Search - los animales búsqueda de palabras activity
  • Spanish Animals Vocab Word Search - los animales búsqueda de palabras activity
  • Spanish Animals Vocab Word Search - los animales búsqueda de palabras activity
  • Spanish Animals Vocab Word Search - los animales búsqueda de palabras activity


Teach your students to identify and recognize animals vocabulary words in Spanish with this Word Search Puzzle / Búsqueda de palabras. This print - and - go activity is also digitally ready to play in Google Slides.


Your students will be engaged with this fun word search puzzle as they learn to identify los animales in Spanish. This búsqueda de palabras is digital on Google Slides and printable. Perfect activity for sub plans, fast finishers, stations, & more!


Here's what you get:

- 2 Word Search Puzzles

PDF & Digital version

- Teacher answer key


Included Vocabulary Words:

puzzle 1: león - tortuga - nutria - jirafa - perro -cangrejo - gato - unicornio - ballena - pez - pulpo - pájaro - mono - medusa - perezoso - cuy - abeja - oso - hipopótamo - erizo - gallina - tigre - vaca - caballo -conejo - cebra - rinoceronte - murciélago - pingüino - capibara


puzzle 2: cerdo - burro - oveja - zorro - pato - pavo - ganso - oruga - búfalo - paloma - iguana - zorrillo -ratón - lagartija - elefante - hormiga - gorila - leopardo - lobo - mariposa - camello - delfín - tiburón - reno - foca - mantarraya - langosta - búho - manatí - anguila - rana - ardilla - cocodrilo - tapir - alce


How to use in your classroom:

Your students will love using this activity as a class game day to learn or review vocabulary in Spanish. Use it for fast finishers, warm ups, stations, or extra vocabulary practice.


This product contains a PDF download with a link to a Google Drive folder. You will need to make a copy of the files in the folder to access them for digital play. Word Search puzzle content is NOT editable.

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