
Hand-eye coordination

Hand-eye coordination


Thousands of premium self-guided distance learning worksheets & BOOM cards

  • 3D shapes 3 cover 3D shapes 3 preview

    3D shapes 3 - archimedean solids

    Print, cut and fold these templates into 3D forms. 3D nets are a fantastic way to have fun. The complex 3D nets on these worksheets can be cut-out to make all the Archimedes 3D objects: Truncated tetrahedron Cuboctahedron Truncated cube Truncated...
  • 3D shapes 2 cover 3D shapes 2 preview

    3D shapes 2 - complex shapes

    Print, cut and fold these templates into 3D forms. 3D nets are a fantastic way to have fun. The shapes on these worksheets can be cut-out to make the following range of complicated 3D objects: Octahedron Dodecahedron Rhombic...
  • 3d shapes 1 cover 3D shapes 1 preview

    3D shapes 1 - basic shapes

    Print, cut and fold these 3D net templates into 3D forms. 3D nets are a fantastic way to have fun. The shapes on these worksheets can be cut-out and folded to make the following range of basic 3D objects: tetrahedrons cubes dice cuboids square...