The Human Race- Global Health Disparities: Perfect for Health Science Classes
- Contributor:
- Purposeful Pedagogy
- Grade Level:
- 9-12
- Product Type:
- Game
- File Type:
- Pages:
- 6
- Answer Key:
- yes
**UPDATED FOR 2022**
I love this activity. It has to be my favorite. If you aren't new to my page, I'm sure you are rolling your eyes at this statement because I may have said that a *few* times before. But this time, I mean it! :)
This activity was designed to teach students about Global Health Disparities by comparing and contrasting social and economic factors from countries around the world. This game was adapted from a PBS lesson that was published over a decade ago. The statistics were quite a bit dated and I also wanted to add my own spin to it, so I created this activity.
Students will represent different countries and then create an info sheet on various characteristics that effect the health of that nation. Then, while lined up, they will "race" against each other to see which countries have more of a "head start" than others.
Download includes:
- Teacher Instruction page
- Social and Economic Characteristics By Country Table
- Country Info Sheet Hand-out
- Script for game
- Printable sticker labels of countries.
Student Fillable PDF
Google Slides Presentation with Script Printed on each slide
Google Slides Presentation to compile results as a class
Video Instruction for Instructor
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2 Reviews
The Human Race
Great activity to show the differences in healthcare across the world. Having the students move around the room for visual representation is great.
Very creative!
I am currently in a distance learning model and I was able to do this activity! Great way to incorporate Global Health topics.