
What Countries and Regions DId Our Food Come From Interactive Global Market Activity

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This activity is a global market simulator. Students get food cards, study the origins of where that food came from, trade with each other, choose products they think will sell best, combine with classmates to form an attractive dish, market it to the class, and find out which meal is elected as most popular, thus succeeding in the global economy. it is a combination of several activities that I have tried in the classroom over the years. It combine geography, social studies, effects of disease, Through local and international classroom trading, teachers will wipe out a food of your choosing each round from war, trade, disease, or crop disasters. Those students will be out of luck. The activity ends with student selection, a discussion of disasters, unpredictability, and tails into studying global trade, Columbian exchange, or Economics classes. This is a very versatile activity. You can come up with additional research extensions into real-life events that have devastated crops or global trade news. 

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