
2nd Pan African Congress Primary Source Analysis

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  • 2nd Pan African Congress Primary Source Analysis
  • 2nd Pan African Congress Primary Source Analysis


Students will read a brief background on the Pan African Congress organized by W.E.B. Du Bois to fight for nationalism, African independence, racial equality, and ending imperialism and colonialism, and an excerpt of the Manifesto from the Second Pan-African Congress. They will then answer 14 questions and complete a creative task. This could work for a sub and the answers are included where appropriate.

Sample questions include:
--Why do you think the first and second Congress’ happened back to back?
--Why would imperialism and colonialism have to end before the goals of the Congress could be fully achieved?
--Does the first sentence of the Manifesto leave any wiggle room for interpretation, why or why not?
--How was it determined, and by whom, which people/countries were oppressed or backward? Who made those determinations?
--Explain why they believed it was democracy that must encircle the earth.

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