
40 "What's in a Photo?" Verbalize Strategy Activities for Reading Comprehension

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  • 40 "What's in a Photo?" Verbalize Strategy Activities for Reading Comprehension
  • 40 "What's in a Photo?" Verbalize Strategy Activities for Reading Comprehension
  • 40 "What's in a Photo?" Verbalize Strategy Activities for Reading Comprehension
  • 40 "What's in a Photo?" Verbalize Strategy Activities for Reading Comprehension


40 Visualizing "What's in a Photo?" Digital/Printable Activities/Lessons for your classroom! Use visualizing and verbalizing strategies to support students' reading comprehension and speech language development.

This download has everything you need for students to strengthen student language comprehension and thinking. Print a copy of the "What's in a Photo?" worksheets. Students view a photo projected on your smart board or whiteboard. They then use the V&V Structure Words on the printable "What's in a Photo?" worksheets to list details they see in the photo. On the second page, students use their words to create sentences and make a prediction. Finally, students can write a short story to match the photo. Included is a short writing checklist.

I use these activities as a warm-up prior to our independent or guided reading work and in conjunction with the Lindamood Bell Reading Program. My students love this quick activity to prime their language and comprehension pumps!

NOTE: For printables, print "scale to fit" or at 94%


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