
Abraham and Sarah Lapbook Craft for Sunday School

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Teach for Jesus
Grade Level:
3rd, 4th, 5th
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Answer Key:
  • Abraham and Sarah Lapbook Craft for Sunday School
  • Abraham and Sarah Lapbook Craft for Sunday School
  • Abraham and Sarah Lapbook Craft for Sunday School
  • Abraham and Sarah Lapbook Craft for Sunday School


Abraham and Sarah Lapbook Sunday School Craft and Activity

Lapbooks offer a unique way to teach familiar Bible stories. Kids enjoy these hands on activities, and the craft helps reinforce what the kids have learned in their Sunday School lessons. For more tips on doing lapbooks with your class check out this blog post.

Key takeaways for a lesson on Abraham and Sarah: God chose Abraham to be the father of His chosen people, the Israelites. Students learn that God always keeps His promises.

Kids will read the story of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 12 – 17 and then answer multiple choice questions regarding what they read. (The teacher may choose to summarize the story of Abraham or read it from a children’s storybook Bible before completing this lapbook.)

Use this Abraham and Sarah Lapbook to teach about Abraham, the father of the Israelites. Abraham was chosen by God to be the father of God's special people. God called Abraham out of Ur and led him to the promised land. He promised Abraham that he would have many descendants and that Abraham and his people would inherit the Promised Land.

There was only one problem. Abraham and Sarah were old and they had no offspring. Still, they trusted God and knew that God would keep His promise. They waited for 25 years for God to fulfill this promise, and finally, baby Isaac was born. Abraham was 100 years old, and Sarah was 90 when they had their son. What a miracle! God always keeps His promises.

About This Lapbook

Cover Page - Color Abraham and Sarah. 

Left Flap- Answer 4 multiple choice questions about Abraham and Sarah

Right Flap - Answer 4 multiple choice questions about Abraham and Sarah

Middle - includes flip shapes with the following instructions:

  • Look up Genesis 17:3-7 and write down the promises God made to Abraham.
  • Answer the Question: Do you think it is hard to wait for God’s promises? Why or why not?
  • Flower petal flip shape that has kids identify and record some promises of God.
  • Word Search with words related to the story of Sarah and Abraham.

Pictures are in black and white so students can color the handouts themselves.

Detailed instructions can be found on each page of the handout.

This lapbook book will provide an engaging, memorable craft for your Sunday School lesson on Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac. God bless!

Genesis 17:7

I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you.

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