
American and French Revolutions

American and French Revolutions

  • Revolutionary War True False Fix Revolutionary War True False Fix

    Revolutionary War True False Fix

    Students will play true, false, fix to review the American Revolution (the Albany Plan of Union, the Stamp Act, Boston Massacre, Hessians, Paul Revere, Sam Adams, Valley Forge, Declaration of Independence, Olive Branch Petition, Battle of Saratoga,...
  • The French Revolution True False Fix The French Revolution True False Fix

    The French Revolution True False Fix

    Students will play true, false, fix to review the events and people related to the French Revolution by reading 30 statements and determining which are true and which are false. They will then complete 3 other tasks with the material. This is best done...
  • The French Revolution Mini Projects The French Revolution Mini Projects

    The French Revolution Mini Projects

    Students will review what they learned about the people, documents, events, and more of the French Revolution by making trading cards, cubes, or both! Both options balance academic requirements with personal choice and creativity. A teacher information...
  • On Sale
    World History Map Bundle World History Map Bundle

    World History Map Bundle

    Now: $95.00
    Was: $125.75
    Students will review the political and physical geography of World History with maps covering Early Civilizations, Europe in the Middle Ages, the Byzantine Empire, the spread of Islam, the Mongolian Empire, the Ottomans and Safavids, the Renaissance,...
    Now: $95.00
    Was: $125.75
  • On Sale
    The French Revolution Bundle The French Revolution Bundle

    The French Revolution Bundle

    Now: $65.00
    Was: $91.25
    Students will learn about the causes, effects, people, events, beliefs, politics, and more from the French Revolution and Napoleon with these 25+ resources. The topics covered include the Estates General, National Assembly, Tennis Court Oath, Great Fear,...
    Now: $65.00
    Was: $91.25
  • On Sale
    Napoleon Activities Bundle Napoleon Activities Bundle

    Napoleon Activities Bundle

    Now: $22.00
    Was: $30.25
    Students will learn about the rise, reign, and fall of Napoleon with these 8 resources. They include a stations overview packet, a DBQ, a timeline project, a primary source analysis on the Battle of Waterloo, a point of view activity, a trading card and...
    Now: $22.00
    Was: $30.25
  • The French Revolution Test The French Revolution Test

    The French Revolution Test

    This file has two versions of an editable test for the French Revolution and Napoleon. The first version is multiple choice and short answer/short essay. The second version is multiple choice, matching, true/false, and a short answers. The answer keys...
  • The French Revolution Map Activity The French Revolution Map Activity

    The French Revolution Map Activity

    Students will complete 2 maps to review the political and physical geography related to the French Revolution, as well as pertinent battles/events from the French Revolution and the reign of Napoleon. Some labels have students mark modern day locations...