Intro to Current Electricity 3
- Contributor:
- Elf Off the Shelf Resources
- Grade Level:
- 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- Product Type:
- Whole Lesson, PowerPoints , Activities, Worksheets, Homework
- Number of Pages:
- 119
- Answer Key:
- Yes
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Three lessons to introduce current electricity including Batteries and Current, Batteries and Voltage and Current and Resistance.
Bespoke each of the three lessons to take account of pupil ability, time available to teach the topic and departmental focus using an animated PowerPoint for teaching, a PowerPoint with detailed mark schemes for easy self-assessment and peer assessment and up to 14 differentiated, engaging and challenging resources making 6 PowerPoints and 44 resources in total. This pack also includes a 54 Question boardgame each set of which can be played by up to six pupils.
Three suggested lesson plans, showing where the logical choices between resources can be made, are also included.
Each easy to follow and understand animated PowerPoint guides pupils the theory, designing an experiment to test their predictions, designing a table for their results and drawing a bar graph.
The resources include elements of literacy and oracy and frequent opportunities for assessment for learning provided by self-assessment, peer assessment and teacher assessment. All assessment is supported by PowerPoints with detailed answer and mark schemes.
All resources are designed for maximum pupil involvement and interaction.
The 35 individual learning outcomes in this bundle, which can be viewed in the preview, are in short:
- identifying the positive and negative terminals of a battery and its symbol;
- batteries connected positive to negative;
- batteries contain chemicals which provide the voltage or push;
- batteries provide energy which the electrons use to move through the circuit.
- current and voltage increase with the number of batteries.
- calculating the output of n number of batteries from known numbers of batteries, voltages and currents;
- resistance is caused by metal ions;
- the more collisions between metal ions and electrons the higher the resistance;
- practice in designing experiments to test a prediction and the results tables;
- practice in building circuits;
- draw a bar graph.
The 37 differentiated, engaging and challenging resources include:
- Flip its (pupil writes questions to given answers);
- Anticipation Guides (combined starter and plenary)
- Foldables
- Cut-and-stick activities;
- Practical worksheets
- Homeworks
- Worksheets
- Card sort team game;
- Taboo Cards;
- Pupil progress self-assessment checklists;
- 54 Question boardgame.
There are three highly animated PowerPoints, each of which contains an exit ticket quiz.
There are also three PowerPoints with detailed answers and mark schemes to enable easy self-assessment and peer assessment.
There are three detailed flow-charts, each with a suggested lesson plan, which identify areas where choice between resources is logical and also the skills promoted in each resource.
Links to Individual Topics in this Module
Current, Voltage and Resistance - What are They?
Conductors and Insulators - Explained and Tested
Current Electricity - 42 Question Card Sort Team Game
Lamps in Series and Parallel CircuitsCurrent in Series and Parallel Circuits
Current in Series and Parallel Circuits
Voltage in series and Parallel Circuits
Current Electricity - 35 Question Interactive Quiz
Does the Number of Batteries Affect the Current - and Why
Does the Number of Batteries Affect the Voltage - and Why
Does Resistance affect Current - and Why
Current Electricity Board Game
Current Electricity - Switches in Series and Parallel
Current Electricity - Ohms Law
These topics are also available as small bundles.
Intro to Current Electricity 1(Bundle)
Intro to Current Electricity 2
Intro to Current Electricity 3
Intro to Current Electricity 4