
"Rasputin" - Boney M. song Lyric Analysis

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Heaven in Grade Seven
Grade Level:
Product Type:
Song Analysis
File Type:
Word Doc
  • "Rasputin" - Boney M. song Lyric Analysis
  • "Rasputin" - Boney M. song Lyric Analysis


This song analysis activity is a fun way to learn about one of history's most interesting characters, Rasputin! This song describes Rasputin's life and reputation, and students can assess the historical accuracy for themselves!

The document includes a link to an audio recording of the song, or you can show the music video if you want to give your students some laughs! The students can read along with the lyrics and then add their own analysis and answer the guided questions. You can also show students segments of the song instead, if you find it too long or if you want to skip the more ~suggestive~ parts of the song.

I hope you find this resources useful! Check out Heaven in Grade Seven for more resources! 

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