
After the War and World War II

After the War and World War II

  • World War 2 PowerPoint World War 2 PowerPoint

    World War 2 PowerPoint

    Students will learn about the people, events, and politics of WW2 (WWII) with this presentation covering the rise of Hitler through the immediate post war years. People and events are addressed chronologically in the following sections: pre-invasion of...
  • Rosie the Riveter Webquest Rosie the Riveter Webquest

    Rosie the Riveter Webquest

    Students will learn more about Rosie the Riveter (both as a wartime motivator and the real life inspiration behind the image) during WW2 (World War 2, WWII), and other versions of the iconic propaganda poster by completing this 27 questions and 2...
  • Operation Paperclip Webquest Operation Paperclip Webquest

    Operation Paperclip Webquest

    Students will visit 4 websites to learn about Operation Paperclip which started at the end of WW2 and continued into the Cold War. There are 20 questions to answer of varying degrees of difficulty and are academic and opinion based. The answers are...
  • Pearl Harbor Webquest Pearl Harbor Webquest

    Pearl Harbor Webquest

    Students will visit two websites, answer 19 questions, and complete a commemorative task to learn about the events leading to Pearl Harbor. They will then watch 3 videos about the attack itself (two from survivors and one from historic news reels) and...
  • 442nd Infantry Regiment Webquest 442nd Infantry Regiment Webquest

    442nd Infantry Regiment Webquest

    Students will learn about the Japanese-American soldiers of the 442nd Regiment of World War 2 (WWII, WW2) with this webquest. They will visit 4 websites, watch one video, answer 27 questions, and complete a creative task. The answers are included where...
  • Lebensborn Webquest Lebensborn Webquest

    Lebensborn Webquest

    This webquest will teach students about the Nazi Lebensborn program during World War 2 (WW2, WWII). They will visit 3 websites and answer 17 questions of varying degrees of difficulty. The answers are included where appropriate.  Sample questions...
  • The Nuremberg Trials Webquest The Nuremberg Trials Webquest

    The Nuremberg Trials Webquest

    Students will visit 3 websites and answer 25 questions to learn about the Nuremberg Trials from the end of World War 2 (WW2). Four questions are connected to an embedded 4 minute video from an American soldier who was a guard during the Trials. There are...
  • Appeasement Quote and Image Analysis Appeasement Quote and Image Analysis

    Appeasement Quote and Image Analysis

    Students will read 9 quotes about the Munich Conference (Munich Agreement) and appeasement from 1938 and 1939, answer 20 questions, complete a creative task, and analyze 2 images. This would be great for a sub when you're covering events leading to WW2...